What is Reiki

Reiki is a form of energy medicine that originated in Japan. Reiki is based on the idea that there is a life force energy flowing through us, nourishing our physical and energetic bodies. When a person’s body, mind and spirit are in a positive state of mind, this energy is strong, free-flowing and in harmony. However, when our energy is affected by stress, injury, illness, trauma, or false belief systems, it can create blocks of stuck energy that are stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.

These blocks obstruct the vital flow of energy through our body and systems that is necessary for our health and well-being. Over time, this leads to illness and depleted mental and emotional reserves while making us more susceptible to discomfort, further illness and disease. When our energy centers or chakras are out of alignment, we can feel stagnant, unmotivated, uncertain and confused on how to move forward.

Reiki can help restore and balance the flow of energy so that a person is able to feel relaxed, allowing the body’s own innate healing abilities to work fully. Reiki is transmitted through a practitioner, who acts as a channel and must be trained and attuned to that energy. A Reiki practitioner can be looked at as an anchor on the physical plane who is able to bring through certain frequencies of energy for the benefit of themselves and others. They’re a gateway to helping others restore their own well being. 

Benefits of Reiki


Reiki can improve emotional wellness, help improve mood, relieve depression, anxiety, stress, and tension, and help increase self-esteem, self-love, and confidence.

It can help release the energy of anger, fear, worry, sadness, and other unhealthy feelings. Reiki helps you to experience a stronger sense of peace and tranquility in your life.


Reiki helps with relaxation, pain management, sleep patterns and fatigue, muscle tension, surgical recovery, blood pressure, and immune system. It can assist with detoxing the body and promoting natural self-healing.

Reiki helps reduce the side effects and increase the well-being of people receiving chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, kidney dialysis, and various other treatments.


Reiki helps to release energy blocks caused by trapped emotions, stress and unresolved trauma, balances the chakras (energy centers of the body), and increases spiritual growth by developing a greater sense of awareness through heightened intuition, psychic and creative abilities.


  • During a treatment, the client is usually laying on a massage table, fully clothed. The practitioner places her/his hands on or near the clients body in a series of hand positions. These include positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and feet. Other, more specific positions may be used based on the clients needs. Sound and essential oils may be used.

  • Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not affiliated with any religion.

  • Reiki restores you to a natural state of balance by unlocking your body’s natural healing abilities. Many people feel deeply relaxed and have a strong sense of peace. They also report feeling refreshed, happier, motivated, more clarity, and less physical pain.

Pricing / Scheduling

Reiki - $80/hour
Please call if you would like to schedule an appointment. I look forward to seeing you!