Kelly Chakra Healing

Chakras are spinning wheels of energy that take in and distribute energy throughout the body. Each of the seven major chakras are associated with different areas of your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. When a chakra is blocked, the energy to that area is restricted and can lead to dysfunction in our lives.

Chakra Healing is a process of clearing blockages in the chakras so that energy can flow freely and unrestricted. During a chakra healing session, I will focus on balancing each of your seven major chakras so that they align with one another. The healing is done through a variety of methods including, Reiki, sound, aromatherapy, crystals, color, among others.

Your mind and body will feel completely relaxed, grounded, and connected to yourself. Physcial problems, such as a headache, could also be relieved. If you receive chakra healing on a regular basis, you may feel more in control of your life, feel healthier, and manifesting your desiers quicker.

What is Chakra Healing

Benefits of Chakra Healing

  • Decrease in physical aliments, including headaches, backaches, digestive issues, arthritis, and others

  • Increase in self-esteem, self-love, and confidence

  • Decrease in symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression

  • Deeper connection to a higher consciousness

  • Easier to manifest your dreams and desires

  • Have an overall sense of balance

  • And, more!


  • During our session, you will lie comfortably on the massage table (fully dressed). I will use a combination of Reiki, crystals, sound, and essential oils to balance your chakras.

  • After your chakras have been cleared, you should feel lighter, more balanced, and more centered. You may also notice an improvement in your physical health, as well as a sense of inner peace and well-being.

Pricing / Scheduling

Chakra Healing - $80/hour
Please call if you would like to schedule an appointment. I look forward to seeing you!