Crystal Healing

What is crystal healing?

Kelly Conley Crystal Healing
Kelly Chakra Healing

Crystal healing is a holistic, non-invasive, energy-based system of healing. During a session, crystals are placed either on or around the physical body. They may also be placed in geometric patterns within the environment. Crystals can absorb, direct, detoxify, shift, and diffuse energy as they in interact with the subtle vibrations within the human energy field.

In crystal healing, stones have a unique energetic frequency and are assigned various properties to assist with healing. The stones used in a session and where they are placed is based on the symptoms reported by the patient. As a result, they act as tuning forks to help bring the energy field into harmony.

Crystal Therapy Helps:

  • Recovery from injury, surgery, illness, and disease. It can also support people going through medical treatments such as chemotherapy.

  • Strengthen the immune system and lower blood pressure.

  • Assist in relieving guilt, emotional pain, grief, stress, and anxiety. It can also support other emotional healing and forgiveness.

  • Enhance the flow of energy through the body and helps people connect to a higher level of consciousness.


  • There are hundreds of different types of crystals, all of which hold particular energy can be used to aid healing for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional struggles.

  • Crystal healing sessions are calming and meditative. Sessions will be tailored to you and will differ depending on the nature of your concern.

    After we have discussed your concerns, I will know what approach will work best for you, which crystals to use, and how to place them. You will lie comfortably (fully clothed) on the massage table. I will then begin placing crystals on and around your body.

Pricing / Scheduling

Crystal Healing - $80/hour
Please call if you would like to schedule an appointment. I look forward to seeing you!